Welcome to the Hub of Honest Marketing

Olly Ossai
Marketingtruthhub.com is a one-of-a-kind weblog dedicated exclusively to busting internet marketing scams, marketing frauds and the scammers behind them. It aims to bring sanity into the scam-plagued marketing industry by reviewing every make-money-online product being marketed, and to point people to genuine, proven marketing products and services provided by experts in the field who have spent so much time, energy and resources studying, researching and investigating to bring us the much desired financial freedom…
How May I Help You?

Report A Scam
Have you ever bought a digital product/service that turned out to be a scam? Do you suspect that a product you’re about to buy might be a scam? File your report under this ‘report a scam’ section. I will investigate the product and give my unbiased opinion

MTH Blacklist
Before you purchase any marketing product/service online, make sure that the product is not included in Marketing Truth Hub’s Blacklist. Carefully browse through my blacklist and stay away from any product you find there.

MTH Whitelist
There are genuine digital marketing products out there. These products/services were developed by seasoned marketers with a proven track record of success and will give you the desired results if implemented carefully. Marketing Truth Hub will find such products and include them in my whitelist for you. Check them out.